A simple no-code website builder module for Moodle.
Real world examples:

Website Architecture

Sites have a Menu
Pages have a Header and Sections
Sections have Blocks
Create & Distribute
A single website module instance can have one or more sites, based on the distribution method: The range of options are:
- Single Site – This will create a single teacher-driven website, great for displaying course related information to students and parents.
- Site per student – This will create a site instance for each student in the course, all contained within the same website module instance. Each student can then build and modify their own site. These can are visible and gradable to the teacher.
- Page per student – This will create a single site with a page for each student in the course. Each page will be editable by the single student only but visible to all.
Create from Template
Use an existing website as a template for a new website. A complete copy will be generated from the template, with updated ownership and permissions.
Site Building

Adding blocks of content

Advanced block building
- Drag and drop content onto your site
- Create buttons linking to files, pages and modal/popup content
- Reorder content by dragging

Pages and Menu
Add new pages and use the menu editor to organise navigational structure of your site.
- Drag pages into menu
- Set homepage and page visibility

Editing permissions
Set permissions at the Site and Page level

Student sites
When selecting this distribution method, teachers will be presented with a list containing a button to launch the site for each student, as well as to grade.
Student list: